+ Both sexes
Why is it good to be a woman.
1.In the civilized countries, women work on average 4 hours per week less than men.
2.Do not exclude the possibility that transport you to give way.
3.Lysyh or balding men significantly more than women suffering from hair loss.
4.U women are much more likely, violating traffic rules, the inspector to leave amicably.
5.Zhenschiny 1.2 times less likely to die of a heart attack.
6.Pik male sexuality has for 17 years - when they are unable to evaluate all of its charms.
7.Zhenschiny is finally mature to 36 years.
8.Vam no need to get into a fight just because someone is uncomfortable you are pushed to the floor and spilled your beer.
9.U you always have the opportunity to de-stress a good cry.
10.Zhenschiny 20 times less likely than men to go to prison.
11.U women are multiple orgasms.
12.Familiya with which you were born, not necessarily given to you for life.
13.Vo during sex in women increases the heart rate to 180 beats per second, which is extremely beneficial to health.
14Hozhdenie shopping gives you pleasure.
15.Esli you do not set up to make love, you can always say that you have started menstruating.
16.Muzhchiny on average live to 74 years, women under 80.
Why is it good to be a man
1.In the average you earn 1.4 times more.
2.Ezhednevno the average man spends the first 28 minutes of cooking, a woman - 68.
3.If a friend has something against you, it just tells you, and will not dissolve the dirty gossip 4.
5.Zhenschina considered heavy drinkers if it takes a week on his chest 15 pyatidesyatigrammovyh doses of alcohol. A man is to achieve the same reputation should drink 25 doses.
6.B men's room is really almost never a queue.
7.63% of men aged from 80 to 102 years, continues to enjoy the pleasures of sex. Among women, those lucky there are only 30%.
8.Muzhchiny higher than women on average by 13.5 centimeters.
9.S age you do not become less attractive to the opposite sex.
10.Chtoby prepare for a meeting, you only need to shave and shower.
11.Vam not get any surgical operations for breast augmentation.
12.Zhensky body more prone to store fat than men.
13.Vashe mood depends on you and is not subject to monthly hormonal cycle.
14.Sredi vegetarians 250% less men than women.
15.Vam everywhere there is no need to carry a handbag. Her perfectly replace pockets.
16.Pri a job no one looks at the length of your legs and breast volume.